We've known about Apache Kafka for several years now - we first encountered it when we developed a prototype streaming Boolean search engine for media monitoring with our own library Luwak. Kafka is a distributed streaming platform with some simple but powerful concepts - everything it deals with is a stream ...Continue reading
Tag Archives: kafka
Elastic London Meetup: Rightmove & Signal Media and a new free security plugin for Elasticsearch
I finally made it to a London Elastic Meetup again after missing a few of the recent events: this time Rightmove were the hosts and the first speakers. They described how they had used Elasticsearch Percolator to run 3.5 million stored searches on new property listings as part of an overall migration from the Exalead search engine and Oracle database to a new stack bas...Continue reading
Better performance with the Logstash DNS filter
We've been working on a project for a customer which uses Logstash to read messages from Kafka and write them to Elasticsearch. It also parses the messages into fields, and depending on the content type does DNS lookups (both forward and reverse.) While performance testing I noticed that adding caching to the Logstash DNS filter actually reduced performance, contrary to expectations. With four filter worker threads, and the following configuration:
dns { resolve => [ ...Continue reading
Apache Kafka London Meetup – Real time search and insights
The rise of Apache Kafka as a streaming data solution is something we've been watching for a while - as part of a collection of Big Data tools, it provides a 'TiVo for data' feature. We've begun to use it in client projects covering both search and log analysis...Continue reading
Flax announces partnership with Apache Kafka creators Confluent
We're very happy to announce our partnership with Confluent, which was founded by the creators of Apache Kafka, a stream data platform and the central component of their Confluent Platform. Flax has been aware of Kafka since its inception at LinkedIn, where it is used as the messaging backb...Continue reading
Working with Hadoop, Kafka, Samza and the wider Big Data ecosystem
We've been working on a number of projects recently involving open source software often quoted as 'Big Data' solutions - here's a quick overview of them. The grandfather of them all of course is Apache Hadoop, now not so much a single project as an ecosystem including storage and processing for potentially huge amounts of data, spread across clusters of machines. Interestingly Hadoop was originally created by D...Continue reading
Unified Log Meetup – Scaling up with Skyscanner, Samza and Samsara
Last night I dropped in on the Unified Log Meetup at JustEat's offices (of course, they provided lots of pizza for us all!). I've written about this Meetup before - as a rule the events cover logging and analytics at massive scale, with search being only part of the picture. Joseph Francis from Continue reading
Enterprise Search Europe 2015: Fishing the big data streams – the future of search
Elastic London User Group Meetup – scaling with Kafka and Cassandra
The Elastic London User Group Meetup this week was slightly unusual in that the talks focussed not so much on Elasticsearch but rather on how to scale the systems around it using other technologies. First up was Paul Stack with an amusing description of how he had worked on scaling the logging infrastructure for a major restaurant booking website, to cope with hundreds ...Continue reading