I've just seen an article titled Enterprise Search: 14 Industry Experts Predict the Future of Search which presents a list of somewhat contradictory opinions. I'm afraid I have some serious issues with the experts chosen and the undeniably blinkered views some of them have presented. Firstly, if you're going to ask a set of experts to write about Enterprise Search, don't choose an expert in SEO as part of your list. SEO is not Enterprise Search, in fact a lot of the time it isn't anything at ...Continue reading
Tag Archives: market
The closed-source topping on the open-source Elasticsearch
Today Elasticsearch (the company, not the software) announced their first commercial, closed-source product, a monitoring plugin for Elasticsearch (the software, not the company - yes I know this is confusing, one might suspect...Continue reading
Time for the crystal ball again…
It's always fun to make predictions about the future, especially as one can be pretty sure to be proved wrong in interesting ways. At the start of 2014 we at Flax are looking forward to another year of building open source search and we already have some great client projects in progress that we'll shortly be able to talk about, but what else might be happening this year? Here's some points to note:
- The Elasticsearch project continues to add...Continue reading
Solr and the changing landscape of search
This morning I was told about the launch of a new US-based search company, Heliosearch, founded by the creator of Apache Solr, Yonik Seeley. It seems the landscape of open source search and in particular Solr is changing again - Heliosearch are planning their own 'certified' distribution of Solr plus a raft of support, consulting and services. In the meantime, the comp...Continue reading
Rescue attempts continue for those abandoned by closed source search
I notice this morning that Autonomy have created a rescue program for those unhappy with Microsoft's decision to offer FAST search only as part of Sharepoint - slightly late to the party, considering this had been long predicted. Last year it was Autonomy...Continue reading
Business Leaders, Open Source and free Pi
I spent last night at a networking event organised by the Business Leaders Network on the subject of Open Source Business Models - this isn't the usual sort of event I attend, being held in a very posh law firm's offices overlooking the Thames and with some fellow attendees from venture capital firms and investment banks. Although the panel included speakers from Continue reading
New Year predictions: further search storms ahead!
2012 has been a fascinating and stormy year for those of us in the search business. We've seen a raft of further acquisitions of commercial closed source search companies by bigger players, some convinced that what used to be called Enterprise Search is now a solution to Big Data (like Stephen Arnold we wonder what will succeed Big Data as the next marketing term - I love his phrase "In a quest for revenue, the vendo...Continue reading
Trading-up to open source – a safer route to effective search
It hasn't taken long for some of Autonomy's rivals to attempt to capitalise on the recent bad PR around HP's acquisition - OpenText has offered a 'software trade-in', Recommind has offered a Continue reading
The Fall and rise of search in a world of Big Data – part 1
It's been an interesting and busy few weeks this autumn - starting with Lucene Eurocon in Barcelona. 'Big Data' was a main theme, with some great presentations including the keynote from Grant Ingersoll and the talk from Eric Baldeschwieler of Hortonworks, showing how ...Continue reading
Is Enterprise Search dead? No, but it's changing…
I spent yesterday morning at Ovum's briefing on Enterprise Search, and they kindly invited me to sit on a discussion panel. One of the more controversial topics raised by analyst Mike Davis was 'Is Enterprise Search dead?' which provoked some lively discussion. We also heard from Tyler Tate of Twigkit on Search UX, Exalead on Search Based Applications and Continue reading