A series of blogs by Karen Renshaw on improving site search:
Category Archives: Sectors
Flax wins contract with NHS Wales to support Apache Solr for Welsh Clinical Portal
We're very pleased to announce that Flax has won a 3-year contract with the NHS Wales Informatics Service to support the Apache Lucene/Solr search engine used by the Welsh Clinical Portal, during which period we'll be backing up the in-house team with our deep experience of Solr. The Welsh Clinical Portal is a classic example of how a search engine ...Continue reading
Auditing your site search performance
A series of blogs by Karen Renshaw on improving site search:
A suggested approach to running a Site Search Tuning Workshop
A series of blogs by Karen Renshaw on improving site search:
How to get started on improving Site Search Relevancy
A series of blogs by Karen Renshaw on improving site search:
- How to get started on improving Site Search Relevancy
- A suggested approach to running a Site Search Tuning Workshop
- Auditing your site search performance
- Continue reading
Helping Bloomberg build a real-time news search engine with Luwak
Bloomberg is one of the world's leading providers of financial news via the Bloomberg Terminal, an almost ubiquitous presence on the desks of finance professionals. As you might expect their systems heavily depend on effective search and over the last few years they have become increasingly involved in the open source community, sponsoring events such as Lucene Revolution and also he...Continue reading
Better search for life sciences at the BioSolr Workshop, day 2 – Elasticsearch & others
Over the last 18 months we've been working closely with the European Bioinformatics Institute on a project to improve their use of open source search engines, funded by the BBSRC. The project was originally named BioSolr but has since grown to encompass Continue reading
Better search for life sciences at the BioSolr Workshop, day 1 – Apache Lucene/Solr
Over the last 18 months we've been working closely with the European Bioinformatics Institute on a project to improve their use of open source search engines, funded by the BBSRC. The project was originally named BioSolr but has since grown to encompass Continue reading
XJoin for Solr, part 2: a click-through example
In my last blog post, I demonstrated how to set up and configure Solr to use the new XJoin search components we've developed for the BioSolr project, using an example from an e-commerce setting. This time, I'll show...Continue reading
The fun and frustration of writing a plugin for Elasticsearch for ontology indexing
As part of our work on the BioSolr project, I have been continuing to work on the various Elasticsearch ontology annotation plugins (note that even though the project started with a focus on Solr - thus the name - we have also been developing some features for Ela...Continue reading