Questions to ask your search vendor

#1 - How does it work? You'll probably get as many different answers to this as there are vendors - but you may not get the whole truth. Bear in mind that a lot of search engines share what theoretical ideas they apply. An engine might use a vector-space or probabilistic models for ordering results, for example. Most will create an Continue reading

Flax partners with Lucid Imagination

We're very happy to announce that we've been selected as an Authorized Partner by Lucid Imagination, the commercial company for Lucene and Solr. You can read the press release as a PDF here. Apache Lucene and Solr, available as open source software from the Apache Software Foundation, are powerful, scalable, reliable and fully-fea...Continue reading

Website Redesign

We've now completely redesigned the Flax website - we hope you like it. We've tried to focus more on explaining exactly what we do and how the Flax open source search platform might be able to help your business. Of course, there are sure to be teething problems - if you find anything that doesn't work do let us know!...Continue reading

The Times they are a-changing….

News International have announced they will be charging for access to their Times and Sunday Times newspaper websites within a few months. At the same time we have the announcement that the Independent newspaper is to be bought by a Russian oligarch, and may end up as a free publication. This divergence of business models is interesting, but what concerns us at Flax is how ...Continue reading


A new year, and a chance to think about what might happen in the world of enterprise search over the next twelve months. I'll make a stab at some predictions:

  1. Price cuts - possibly driven by even harsher competition between Google and Microsoft FAST, I can see prices coming down for packaged enterprise search. Autonomy will probably raise theirs :-)
  2. Real time search matures - not just Twitter or Facebook, but real time data from many sources ...Continue reading