Meetups – Flax The Open Source Search Specialists Thu, 10 Oct 2019 09:03:26 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Flax joins OpenSource Connections Fri, 21 Dec 2018 12:09:24 +0000 We have some news! From February 1st 2019 Flax’s Managing Director Charlie Hull will be joining OpenSource Connections (OSC), Flax’s long-standing US partner, as a senior Managing Consultant. Charlie will manage a new UK division of OSC who will also … More

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We have some news!

From February 1st 2019 Flax’s Managing Director Charlie Hull will be joining OpenSource Connections (OSC), Flax’s long-standing US partner, as a senior Managing Consultant. Charlie will manage a new UK division of OSC who will also acquire some of Flax’s assets and brands. OSC are a highly regarded organisation in the world of search and relevance, wrote the seminal book Relevant Search and run the popular Haystack relevance conference. Their clients include the US Patent Office, the Wikimedia Foundation and Under Armour and their services include comprehensive training, Discovery engagements, Trusted Advisor consulting and expert implementation.

Lemur Consulting Ltd., which as most of you will know trades as Flax, will continue to operate and to complete current projects but will not be taking on any new business after January 2019. For any new business we will be forwarding all future Flax enquiries to OSC where Charlie will as ever be very happy to discuss requirements and how OSC’s expert team (which may include some familiar faces!) might help.

We are all very excited about this new development as it will create a larger team of independent search & relevance experts with a global reach. We fully expect to build on Flax’s 17 year history of providing high quality search solutions as part of OSC. We intend to continue managing the London Lucene/Solr Meetup and running, attending and speaking at other events on search related topics.

If you have any questions about the above please do contact us. Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!

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Lucene Hackdays in London & Montreal Tue, 23 Oct 2018 09:35:13 +0000 We ran a couple of Lucene Hackdays over the last couple of weeks: a chance to get together with other people working on open source search, learn from each other and to try and improve both Lucene and associated software. … More

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We ran a couple of Lucene Hackdays over the last couple of weeks: a chance to get together with other people working on open source search, learn from each other and to try and improve both Lucene and associated software.

Our first Hackday was in London, hosted by Mimecast at their offices near Moorgate. Despite a fire alarm practice (during which we ended up under some flats at the Barbican, whose residents may have been a little surprised at quite how many people ended up milling around under their balconies) we had a busy day – we split into three groups to look at tools for inspecting Lucene indexes, various outstanding bugs and issues with Lucene and Solr and to review a well-known issue where different Solr replicas can provide slightly different result ordering. By 5.30 p.m. when we were scheduled to finish we were still frantically hacking on some last-minute Javascript to add a feature to our Marple index inspector – luckily a few minutes later to a collective sigh of relief we had it working and we repaired to a local pub for food and drink (kindly sponsored by Elastic).

The next week a number of us were in Montreal for the Activate conference (previously known as Lucene/Solr Revolution but now sprinkled with cutting-edge AI fairy dust!). Our second Hackday was hosted by Netgovern and we worked on various Lucene/Solr issues, some improvements to our Harahachibu proxy (which attempts to block Solr updates when disk space is low) and discussed in depth how to improve the Solr onboarded experience. Pizza (sponsored by OneMoreCloud) and coffee fueled the hacking and we also added some new features including a Query Parser for MinHash queries. Many Lucene/Solr committers attended and afterwards we met up for a drink & food nearby (thanks to Searchstax for sponsoring this!) where we were joined by a few others – including Yonik Seeley, creator of Solr.

Next it was time for Activate – of which more later! Thanks to everyone who attended – you can see some notes and links about what we worked on here. Work will be continuing on these issues I’m sure.

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Haystack Europe 2018, a brief retrospective Mon, 15 Oct 2018 15:15:49 +0000 It’s been a couple of weeks now since the first Haystack search relevance conference in Europe, which we ran with our partners Open Source Connections (OSC). Just under a hundred people came to the Friends’ House in Euston for a … More

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It’s been a couple of weeks now since the first Haystack search relevance conference in Europe, which we ran with our partners Open Source Connections (OSC). Just under a hundred people came to the Friends’ House in Euston for a day of talks covering both the business and technical aspects of relevance engineering. Doug Turnbull of OSC started the day by introducing what would be a major theme of the conference, Learning to Rank, and how Bloomberg had used and benefited from open sourcing their LTR plugin for Solr. Karen Renshaw of Zoro (a division of Grainger Global Online) talked about how to tune relevance from a business perspective. Sebastian Russ of Tudock showed how even something as simple as an Excel spreadsheet can be a useful visualisation tool for relevance, while Alessandro Benedetti and Andrea Gazzarini of Sease demonstrated Rated Ranking Evaluator, a complete platform for relevance measurement. After lunch, Torsten Köster & Fabian Klenk of Shopping 24 and consultant René Kriegler described their journey with LTR for an ecommerce site and Agnes Van Belle of Textkernel showed how similar techniques can be applied to recruitment search. Tony Russell-Rose was our last speaker on strategies and tools for managing complex Boolean queries.

My only regret was how little time I had personally to catch up with the attendees, many of whom were from Flax clients past and present – I must have had 20 or 30 very brief chats during the day! Luckily a few of us went on for a drink afterwards and eventually a curry nearby. It was a very long day but from the feedback we’ve recieved so far a very successful one. We hope to make this a regular event on the calendar.

Thanks to all who made the event possible, our speakers and everyone who came – the slides are now available on the event website.

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Three weeks of search events this October from Flax Tue, 04 Sep 2018 10:11:56 +0000 Flax has always been very active at conferences and events – we enjoy meeting people to talk about search! With much of our consultancy work being carried out remotely these days, attending events is a great way to catch up … More

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Flax has always been very active at conferences and events – we enjoy meeting people to talk about search! With much of our consultancy work being carried out remotely these days, attending events is a great way to catch up in person with our clients, colleagues and peers and to learn from others about what works (and what doesn’t) when building cutting-edge search solutions. I’m thus very glad to announce that we’re running three search events this coming October.

Earlier in the year I attended Haystack in Charlottesville, one of my favourite search conferences ever – and almost immediately began to think about whether we could run a similar event here in Europe. Although we’ve only had a few months I’m very happy to say we’ve managed to pull together a high-quality programme of talks for our first Haystack Europe event, to be held in London on October 2nd. The event is focused on search relevance from both a business and a technical perspective and we have speakers from global retailers and by specialist consultants and authors. Tickets are already selling well and we have limited space, so I would encourage you to register as soon as you can (Haystack USA sold out even after the capacity was increased). We’re running the event in partnership with Open Source Connections.

The next week we’re running a Lucene Hackday on October 9th as part of our London Lucene/Solr Meetup programme. Building on previous successful events, this is a day of hacking on the Apache Lucene search engine and associated software such as Apache Solr and Elasticsearch. You can read up on what we achieved at our last event a couple of years ago – again, space is limited, so sign up soon to this free event (huge thanks to Mimecast for providing the venue and to Elastic for sponsoring drinks and food for an evening get-together afterwards). Bring a laptop and your ideas (and do comment on the event page if you have any suggestions for what we should work on).

We’ll be flying to Montreal soon afterwards to attend the Activate conference (run by our partners Lucidworks) and while we’re there we’ll host another free Lucene Hackday on October 15th. Again, this would not be possible without sponsorship and so thanks must go to Netgovern, SearchStax and One More Cloud. Remember to tell us your ideas in the comments.

So that’s three weeks of excellent search events – see you there!

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Lucene Solr London: Search Quality Testing and Search Procurement Fri, 29 Jun 2018 11:09:34 +0000 Mimecast were our kind hosts for the latest London Lucene/Solr Meetup (and even provided goodie bags). It’s worth repeating that we couldn’t run these events without the help of sponsors and hosts and we’re always very grateful (and keep those … More

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Mimecast were our kind hosts for the latest London Lucene/Solr Meetup (and even provided goodie bags). It’s worth repeating that we couldn’t run these events without the help of sponsors and hosts and we’re always very grateful (and keep those offers coming!).

First up was Andrea Gazzarini presenting a brand new framework for search quality testing. Designed for offline measurement, Rated Ranking Evaluator is an open source Java library (although it can be used from other languages). It uses a heirarchical model to arrange queries into query groups (all queries in a query group should be producing the same results). Each test can run across a number of search engine configuration versions and outputs results in JSON format – but these can also be translated into Excel spreadsheets, PDFs or sent to a server that provides a live console showing how search quality is affected by a search engine configuration change. Although aimed at Elasticsearch and Solr, the platform is extensible to any underlying search engine. This is a very useful tool for search developers and joins Quepid and Searchhub’s recently released search analytics acquisition library in the ‘toolbox’ for relevance engineers. You can see Andrea’s slides here.

Martin White spoke next on how open source search solutions fare in corporate procurements for enterprise search. This was an engaging talk from Martin , showing the scale of the opportunities for open source platforms with budgets of several million pounds being common for enterprise search projects. However, as he mentioned it can be very difficult for procurement departments to get information from vendors and ‘the last thing you’ll know about a piece of enterprise software is how much it will cost’. He detailed how open source solutions often compare badly against closed source commercial offerings due to it being hard to see the ‘edges’ – e.g. what custom development will be necessary to fulfil enterprise requirements. Although the opportunities are clear, it seems open source based solutions still have a way to go to compete. You can read more from Martin on this subject in the recent free Search Insights report.

Thanks to Mimecast and both speakers – we’ll be back after the summer with another Meetup!

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London Lucene/Solr Meetup – Relevance tuning for Elsevier’s Datasearch & harvesting data from PDFs Thu, 03 May 2018 09:47:48 +0000 Elsevier were our kind hosts for the latest London Lucene/Solr Meetup and also provided the first speaker, Peter Cotroneo. Peter spoke about their DataSearch project, a search engine for scientific data. After describing how most other data search engines only … More

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Elsevier were our kind hosts for the latest London Lucene/Solr Meetup and also provided the first speaker, Peter Cotroneo. Peter spoke about their DataSearch project, a search engine for scientific data. After describing how most other data search engines only index and rank results using metadata, Peter showed how Elsevier’s product indexes the data itself and also provides detailed previews. DataSearch uses Apache NiFi to connect to the source repositories, Amazon S3 for asset storage, Apache Spark to pre-process the data and Apache Solr for search. This is a huge project with many millions of items indexed.

Relevance is a major concern for this kind of system and Elsevier have developed many strategies for relevance tuning. Features such as highlighting and auto-suggest are used, lemmatisation rather than stemming (with scientific data, stemming can cause issues such as turning ‘Age’ into ‘Ag’ – the chemical symbol for silver) and a custom rescoring algorithm that can be used to promote up to 3 data results to the top of the list if deemed particularly relevant. Elsevier use both search logs and test queries generated by subject matter experts to feed into a custom-built judgement tool – which they are hoping to open source at some point (this would be a great complement to Quepid for test-based relevance tuning)

Peter also described a strategy for automatic optimization of the many query parameters available in Solr, using machine learning, based on some ideas first proposed by Simon Hughes of Elsevier have also developed a Phrase Service API, which helps improve phrase based search over the standard un-ordered ‘bag of words’ model by recognising acronyms, chemical formulae, species, geolocations and more, expanding the original phrase based on these terms and then boosting them using Solr’s query parameters. He also mentioned a ‘push API’ available for data providers to push data directly into DataSearch. This was a necessarily brief dive into what is obviously a highly complex and powerful search engine built by Elsevier using many cutting-edge ideas.

Our next speaker, Michael Hardwick of Elite Software, talked about how textual data is stored in PDF files and the implications for extracting this data for search applications. In an engaging (and at some times slightly horrifying) talk he showed how PDFs effectively contain instructions for ‘painting’ characters onto the page and how certain essential text items such as spaces may not be stored at all. He demonstrated how fonts are stored within the PDF itself, how character encodings may be deliberately incorrect to prevent copy-and-paste operations and in general how very little if any semantic information is available. Using newspaper content as an example he showed how reading order is often difficult to extract as the PDF layout is a combination of the text from the original author and how it has been laid out on the page by an editor – so the headline may be have been added after the article text, which itself may have been split up into sections.

Tables in PDFs were described as a particular issue when attempting to extract numerical data for re-use – the data order may not be in the same order as it appears, for example if only part of a table is updated each week a regular publication appears. With PDF files sometimes compressed and encrypted the task of data extraction can become even more difficult. Michael laid out the choices available to those wanting to extract data: optical character recognition, a potentially very expensive Adobe API (that only gives the same quality of output as copy-and-paste), custom code as developed by his company and finally manual retyping, the latter being surprisingly common.

Thanks to both our speakers and our hosts Elsevier – we’re planning another Meetup soon, hopefully in mid to late June.

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Haystack, the relevance conference – birth of a new profession? Mon, 16 Apr 2018 15:34:13 +0000 I’ve just returned from Charlottesville, Virginia and the Haystack search relevance conference hosted by our partners Open Source Connections. The venues were their own office and the Random Row brewery next door – added once they realised that the event … More

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I’ve just returned from Charlottesville, Virginia and the Haystack search relevance conference hosted by our partners Open Source Connections. The venues were their own office and the Random Row brewery next door – added once they realised that the event had outgrown its humble beginnings as a small, informal event for maybe 50 people into a professional conference for over twice that number with attendees from as far afield as the west coast of the US, Poland and of course the UK. I’ll be writing up each day of the event and what I learned from the talks in blogs to follow, but wanted to start with my overall impressions.

I don’t think I’ve been to any other conference with such a strong sense of community or such a high quality of presentations. It was particularly refreshing to be among a group of people with such a level of search expertise and experience that at no point did anything have to be ‘dumbed down’ or over-explained. The attendee list included open source committers from projects including Apache Lucene/Solr and Apache Tika, experts in commercial search, authors of books I’ve long regarded as essential for anyone working in this field, independent consultants and those working for huge global companies. The talks were well programmed, ran exactly to schedule and covered cutting-edge topics. Between these talks the networking was relaxed and friendly and I had a chance to get to know several people in real life that I’ve previously only connected with online.

I think this conference may also have signalled the birth of a new profession of “relevance engineer” – someone who can understand both the business and technical aspects of search relevance, work with a variety of underlying search engines and expertly use the correct tools for the job to drive a continuing process of search quality improvement. Personally, I learnt a huge amount of useful information, made connections with many others in our field and have pages of notes to follow up on.

Last but no means least is to extend my personal thanks to all at OSC who created, planned and ran the event – as a veteran of many events in both technical and non-technical fields I understand very well how much work goes into them, especially if you’re not an event planner by profession! You opened your doors to us and made us all feel very welcome and you all worked extremely hard to make this one of the best conferences I’ve ever attended.

More to follow on day 1 and day 2 soon.

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London Lucene/Solr Meetup – Java 9 & 1 Beeelion Documents with Alfresco Thu, 08 Feb 2018 14:55:22 +0000 This time Pivotal were our kind hosts for the London Lucene/Solr Meetup, providing a range of goodies including some frankly enormous pizzas – thanks Costas and colleagues, we couldn’t have done it without you! Our first talk was from Uwe … More

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This time Pivotal were our kind hosts for the London Lucene/Solr Meetup, providing a range of goodies including some frankly enormous pizzas – thanks Costas and colleagues, we couldn’t have done it without you!

Our first talk was from Uwe Schindler, Lucene committer, who started with some history of how previous Java 7 releases had broken Apache Lucene in somewhat spectacular fashion. After this incident the Oracle JDK team and Lucene PMC worked closely together to improve both communications and testing – with regular builds of Java 8 (using Jenkins) being released to test with Lucene. The Oracle team later publically thanked the Lucene committers for their help in finding Java issues. Uwe told us how Java 9 introduced a module system named ‘Jigsaw’ which tidied up various inconsistencies in how Java keeps certain APIs private (but not actually private) – this caused some problems with Solr. Uwe also mentioned how Java’s MMapDirectory feature should be used with Lucene on 64 bit platforms (there’s a lot more detail on his blog) and various intrinsic bounds checking feeatures which can be used to simplify Lucene code. The three main advantages of Java 9 that he mentioned were lower garbage collection times (with the new G1GC collector), more security features and in some cases better query performance. Going forward, Uwe is already looking at Java 10 and future versions and how they impact Lucene – but for now he’s been kind enough to share his slides from the Meetup.

Our second speaker was Andy Hind, head of search at Alfresco. His presentation included the obvious Austin Powers references of course! He described the architecture Alfresco use for search (a recent blog also shows this – interestingly although Solr is used, Zookeeper is not – Alfresco uses its own method to handle many Solr servers in a cluster). The test system described ran on the Amazon EC2 cloud with 10 Alfresco nodes and 20 Solr nodes and indexed around 1.168 billion items. The source data was synthetically generated to simulate real-world conditions with a certain amount of structure – this allowed queries to be built to hit particular areas of the data. 5000 users were set up with around 500 concurrent users assumed. The test system managed to index the content in around 5 days at a speed of around 1000 documnents a second which is impressive.

Thanks to both our speakers and we’ll return soon – if you have a talk for our group (or can host a Meetup) do please get in touch.

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Finding the Bad Actor: Custom scoring & forensic name matching with Elasticsearch Thu, 01 Feb 2018 10:13:56 +0000 Finding the Bad Actor: Custom scoring & forensic name matching with Elasticsearch from Charlie Hull

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Inspiring students to work in Open Source Search Wed, 31 Jan 2018 13:54:16 +0000 I’ve recently been asked to join the Industrial Advisory Board for the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex and will be talking to students there on Monday 5th February, repeating a similar talk I … More

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I’ve recently been asked to join the Industrial Advisory Board for the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex and will be talking to students there on Monday 5th February, repeating a similar talk I did last year. The subject is ‘Working in Open Source Search’ and I’ll describe how we founded Flax back in 2001, how we’ve built, tuned and implemented open source search engines and some of the client projects we’ve worked on. It’s been a fascinating journey.

My main motivation for talking at Essex (and at City University a couple of weeks later) will be to inspire students to consider working in the world of open source software and more specifically the commercial applications of what academics call information retrieval – search engines.  It’s an interesting field to work in – we have clients in a huge variety of sectors including e-commerce, law, publishing and government; we deal with both small startups and multinational businesses and help build systems indexing a few thousand to several billion items. It’s constantly changing as new requirements, ideas and innovations appear. It’s taken our staff around the world (Singapore, Malaysia, the USA, Denmark as a small sample from the last couple of years) and led to us gaining a global reputation and becoming part of a select group of independent search specialists. From being somewhat of a curiosity when we started, open source search engines have now gained huge acceptance and have changed the search market beyond recognition – no longer can vendors charge six or seven figures for mysterious black boxes (and more to make them actually do something useful).

However our sector needs more people – not just developers, but business-focused search managers who understand how to build search engines that truly deliver value to employees and customers. As I’ll say to the students next week there’s a skill shortage, plainly illustrated by the plaintive slide that ends nearly all search conference and Meetup presentations – “We’re Hiring!”. Time to learn to code, download Lucene/Solr or Elasticsearch, try out the examples, read our book and look forward to a great career in search!

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