Search Insights 2018 – a free, independent report on search

Over the last 17 years of running Flax I've met many people who loudly profess to be experts in various aspects of the search business. Some have a new product or service to sell, that promises to change the game forever; quite often this turns out to be snake oil or simply a new name for an old solution. Others seem to have arrived suddenly, fully-fledged, enthusiastic to convince us old hands that everything will be different now if we all sign up to their new idea. There's also a small gro...Continue reading

Announcing our new book, Searching the Enterprise

For the last year or so I've been working with Professor Udo Kruschwitz of the University of Essex on a long-form journal article on enterprise search - although at 156 pages this is more of a book than a journal. Released as part of the Foundations and Trends® in Information Retrieval series by Now Publishing, the b...Continue reading